Photo Coustesy of Adam De Rocco
By: Hannah McDonald, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, Summer Student
This summer I am working for Lake Ontario Waterkeeper as the Water Literacy Assistant in Kingston. Part of my job is to test water quality in popular swimming areas along the waterfront.
Each week, I sample water from points along Breakwater Park and the Wolfe Island Boat Club. Then I take the samples to the lab where it is tested. I take those results and post them on Swim Guide so that recreational water users can make informed decisions about using the water.
Testing water quality in Kingston has been a great experience for me, and has helped me become more knowledgeable about what is safe (and what isn’t) when interacting with our lake.
I believe that everyone has the right to clean water, and we should all be informed about the water quality in our area so that we feel safe when swimming, boating and splashing around in the water.
I want to invite all members of the Kingston community to join me to take water samples at Breakwater Park! Come see how water sampling is done, and learn more about the water quality in Lake Ontario.
There is something for everyone to do. You can take pictures, record information or even sample the water. Just make sure to wear comfortable clothes as we do a bit of walking on the shoreline.
I am at Breakwater Park every Wednesday morning from 10-10:30am, and will be wearing a Lake Ontario Waterkeeper T-shirt.
If you can’t make it be sure to check out Swim Guide before you head out on the water.
Email for more information about joining the water sampling trips. These summer sampling trips are part of the Kingston and Wolfe Island Culture Festival, June 23 - August 12.