Year One Projects

Kingston, Ontario

Breakwater Park sets an example for other Great Lakes cities around the province. The improvements include water monitoring, stormwater infrastructure but most importantly water access points that promote, rather than discourage, residents physically enjoying all that our Lake has to offer.

Greater Toronto Area

The unique qualities of the Redside Dace, its nearly exclusive residency in the Greater Toronto Area as well as the direct connection between its habitat loss and human activity, make this initiative a remarkable opportunity to make a difference in our watershed for generations to come.  

Terra cotta conservation area 

This project will restore the natural flow of the Second Creek and remove barriers to native fish like Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon. This is our chance to promote the growth of native flora and fauna while protecting the area from more extreme weather expected with climate change.


Working alongside members of the local community our sampling program will monitor the water quality of four recreation access points.  We will work with experts to propose solutions to restore swimmable, drinkable, fishable future in these areas.