Project Summary
Challenge: Restore free flow to Copeland Creek near The Great Trail, demonstrating the large-scale benefits of small-scale infrastructure improvements.
Remove invasive species from the project area.
Remove the aging culvert under Bridge 5 on the Tiny Township segment of The Great Trail.
Plant vegetation to control erosion along Copeland Creek.

The Great Trail (formerly the TransCanada Trail) is the longest trail in the country, stretching from coast-to-coast-to-coast. In Ontario, The Great Trail travels through the Township of Tiny where it crosses Copeland Creek.
Along this section of the Trail, an antiquated culvert funnels the creek underneath a bridge, preventing natural flow. Replacing this culvert would mitigate upstream flooding created by the culvert.
With support from The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, this Great Lakes Challenge project creates four benefits: it proves a culvert replacement can transform a watershed; the project teaches site visitors about Great Lakes restoration; it improves downstream habitat where Copeland Creek flows into Severn Sound; and, it demonstrates how recreational areas can embrace restoration.